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08 April 2011



Acheh - Sumatra

Dulu saya sangat antusias mengikuti transpormasi Revolusi Islam Iran yang digerak kan oleh Imam Khomaini, DR Ali Syariati, Murthadha Mutahhari dan 6 Ulama wara satul Ambya lainnya. Setelah rakyat Iran berhasil menggulingkan despotik regime Syah Reza Palevi dengan darah dan airmata keluarga, muncul lagi bahaya lainnya dimana regime Saddam Hussein melakukan intervensi ke RRI untuk menguasai sa tu propinsi Koramsyar yang memiliki banyak sumur emas hitam. Perkiraan Regime Saddam, RII tidak berdaya disebabkan sudah terkuras tenaganya dalam melawan despotik Syah. Realita nya perkiraan Saddam meleset seratus delapan puluh dera jad.

Rakyat RII dengan gagah berani bermodalkan harapan mati Syahid seperti rakyat Bahrain hari ini, akhirnya justeru pejuang Iran yang sudah berada ti kawasan Irak untuk menentukan tumbangnya regime Saddam untuk kemudiannya berdiri Repu blik Islam Irak. Ini adalah pertimbangan Khomaini setelah Iran dikhianati regime Saddam. Lalu apa yang terjadi? Justeru Regime Saudi Arabia yang paling takut daripada regime-regime despotik lainnya di kawasan Timur Tengah ketika itu, per sis ketakutan Regime as Saud hari ini atas bergolaknya rakyat Bahrain dan Yaman serta kawasan lainnya.

Ketika itu Irak umpama "rumah yang sedang terbakar" dimana tetangga sekitarnya bergegas untuk membantunya, bukan disebabkan sayang kepada Irak tetapi takut api tersebut akan merambas ke "ru mah-rumah" mereka. Bayangkan! Kecuali Syria, seluruh negara kawasan Timur Tengah berpihak ke pada regime Saddam yang dike tuai Saudi Arabia, mempropokasikan dengan bendera "Pan Arabisme" vs "Pan Isla misme" Republik Islam Iran. Realitanya mereka tidak berdaya walau main keroyok beramai-ramai. Ayatullah Imam Khomaini sudah nekat untuk mendirikan Republik Islam Irak  paska kejatuhan Saddam. Akan tetapi akhirnya Imam menerima tawaran Saddam dan desakan regime-regime tadi untuk menghentikan perang. Khomaini menerima perdamain disebabkan  banyak negara lainnya yang mendukung regime Saddam termasuk AS dan Inggeris yang membangun pertahanan Irak dibawah tanah.

Justeru itu Arab saudi tidak usah main api dengan RII yang benar-benar sebagai negara Islam representant di zaman sekarang ini, dimana Politik mereka tidak ke Barat dan tidak juga ke Timur tetapi benar-be nar Independent. Marilah kita buka mata kita lebar-lebar bagaimana Allah swt, Tuhan pemilik Alam Semesta berpesan kepada hamba Nya bahwa musuh orang Islam bukan orang yang berlainan Agama dengan kita: "Lakum dinukum waliadin" artinya: "Untukmulah agamamu, dan untuk kulah agamaku" (QS. 109:6). Musuh orang yang benar Imannya adalah pihak mana saja yang menzalimi kaum dhuafa atau rakyat akar rumput sebagai mana sepak ter jang regim-.regim Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara sekarang ini.

Kalau regime yang menzalimi kaum dhuafa mengumumkan diri ke seluruh Dunia bahwa mereka adalah komunitas Islam, bermakna mereka itu fenomena yang di nyatakan Allah di Surah al Baqarah ayat 8 dan 9 (hipocrite). Orang yang benar i mannya bersaudara dengan komunitas manusia yang tidak menzalimi pihak lain. Lihatlah bagaimana persaudaraan RII dengan negara-negara Amerika Latin seka rang ini. Lihatlah bagaimana hidup rukun damai komunitas Libanoin diantara orang Sunni, Syiah dan Kristian. Lihat juga bagaimana RII melindungi rakyatnya yang Sun ni, Kristian dan juga pemeluk agama apapun. RII sekarang ini sudah didukung oleh rakyat manapun walaupun penguasa mereka memusuhi RII. Kalau dulu saja RII sendirian tidak mampu diganggu, apalagi sekarang ini RII sudah disadari kebenaran mereka oleh hampir seluruh penduduk Dunia baik yang beragama Islam maupun non Islam.

Semoga Saudi Arabia sadar bahwa mereka berada di posisi yang keliru. Dari itu hentikanlah kezali man terhadap kaum dhuafa Bahrain dan kaum dhuafa di negara kalian sendiri. Pemilik kekayaan Saudi bukan regimenya tetapi seluruh penduduk Saudi Arabia demikian juga pemilik kekayaan Yang dikuasai oleh regime Bahrain, Mesir, Libya dan sebagainya. Ini adalah hak dari Allah swt, Pemilik Alam Semesta, bukan menurut "kacamata" Basyar. (pakai istilah DR Ali Syariati), Raushanfikr yang belum ada duanya di zaman kita seka ang ini.(hsndwsp, Acheh - Sumatra)

Politikus Iran: Negara Arab Takut Kebangkitan Islam
Hossein Sobhani-Nia, anggota Komisi Keamanan Nasional dan Kebijakan Luar Negeri parlemen Iran menyatakan bahwa negara yang memusuhi Iran ketakutan atas merebaknya kebangkitan rakyat menen tang penguasa despotik.

Sobhani-Nia hari Kamis (7/4) menandaskan, negara di kawasan tidak segan-segan menghalalkan se gala cara untuk menumpas tuntutan rakyatnya dan hal ini disebabkan mereka ketakutan atas kebang kitan Islam.

Ia menekankan dukungan spiritual bangsa Iran terhadap rakyat pecinta kebebasan di dunia. Dijelaskan nya, pasca kemenangan revolusi Islam, bangsa Iran secara spiritual menilai mendukung seluruh bang sa dunia, yang menginginkan kebebasan sebagai tugas mulia dan kewajiban mereka. Menurutnya, hal inilah yang mendorong Iran mendukung perjuangan rakyat Bahrain.

Ia menambahkan, statemen anti-Iran para pejabat Arab tidak memiliki bobot dan mereka tidak layak untuk merilis pernyataan apapun setelah membantai rakyat Bahrain. Sementara itu, para menteri luar negeri Dewan Kerjasama Teluk Persia (PGCC) hari Ahad lalu di akhir sidangnya di Arab Saudi, me nyatakan kekhawatirannya atas intervensi Iran di kawasan. (I RIB/MF)

Aceh - Sumatra

I used to be very enthusiastic to join the Islamic Revolution of Iran transpormasi digerak by the Imam Khomaini, DR Ali Shari'ati, Murthadha Mutahhari and 6 other Ambya Satul wara Ulama. After the Iranian people succeeded in overthrowing the Shah Reza Palevi despotic regime with blood and tears of the family, come again another danger which the regime of Saddam Hussein to intervene to RRI to master sa tu Koramsyar province that has a lot of wells of black gold. Estimates of Saddam Regime, RII was helpless because his energy was drained in the fight against despotic Shah. Reality missed its estimates of Saddam hundred and eighty flagellation jad.

People RII valiantly capitalize hope as people die Shaheed Bahrain today, finally precisely Iranian fighters had been ti Iraqi region to determine the fall of Saddam's regime to later stand blik Iraqi Islamic Republican. This is a consideration Khomaini after the Iranian regime betrayed Saddam. Then what happened? Indeed, Saudi Arabia Regime of the most feared than any other despotic regimes-regimes in the Middle East region when it is, per sis fear Saud Regime as today's top folk bergolaknya Bahrain and Yemen as well as other areas.

When the Iraqis for instance "that is burning house" where neighbors rushed to help him, not because of affection to Iraq but was afraid to fire it would crush the "ru-mah house" them. Imagine! Except for Syria, the entire Middle East region countries sided with the regime of Saddam on the Dike reaping Saudi Arabia, mempropokasikan with the flag of "Pan-Arabism" vs. "Pan Isla misme" Islamic Republic of Iran. The reality though they are powerless to play keroyok gang. Ayatollah Imam Khomaini been desperate to establish the Islamic Republic of Iraq after the fall of Saddam. However, the Imam finally accepted the offer and urging regime of Saddam-regime had to stop the war. Khomaini accept peace because many other countries including the U.S. supported Saddam's regime and the British who built the defense of Iraq under the ground.

Indeed, that Saudi Arabia does not have to play fire with RII as a truly Islamic state representant in this day and age, where their politics are not to the West and East but also to really be true Independent. Let us open our eyes wide open how God Almighty, Lord of the Universe to the servant told him that the enemies of Islam are not different people with our religion: "Lakum dinukum waliadin" means: "To you your religion, and unto me my religion to" (QS . 109:6). The enemy of the righteous His faith is whichever side menzalimi the poor or people of the grassroots as where football was the regime-.regim Middle East and North Africa today.

If the regime is menzalimi dhuafa announce themselves to the whole world that they are the Islamic community, meaning they were a phenomenon that is considered to Allah in Surah al-Baqarah verse 8 and 9 (hipocrite). The righteous brothers i his day with a community of people who do not menzalimi other party. Look at how the brotherhood RII with Latin American countries this war now. Look at how peaceful community living in harmony Libanoin among Sunnis, Shiites and Kristian. See also how to protect the people of Sun RII ni, Kristian and also followers of any religion. RII are now supported by any of the people despite their rulers against RII. If the first course RII alone is not able to be disturbed, especially now that it has realized the truth of their RII by almost the entire world population both Muslim and non Muslim.

Hopefully Saudi Arabia are aware that they are in the wrong position. From that stop kezali the poor man against Bahrain and the poor in your own country. Property owner is not regimenya Arabia but the entire population of Saudi Arabia as well as the owner of the property controlled by the regime of Bahrain, Egypt, Libya and so on. These are the rights of Allah, Owner of the Universe, not according to the "glasses" Basyar. (Use the term DR Ali Shari'ati), Raushanfikr that have not been second to none in our time is now ang. (Hsndwsp, Aceh - Sumatra)

Politics of Iran: Arab Countries Fear of Islamic Revival
Hossein Sobhani-Nia, member of the Commission on National Security and Foreign Policy Iran's parliament declared that the state is hostile to Iranian fears over the outbreak of the people oppose the rise of despotic rulers pliers.

Sobhani-Nia on Thursday (7 / 4) pointed out, countries in the region did not hesitate to justify a way to quell the demands of all its people and this is due to their fear of Islamic resurrection resurrection.

He emphasized the spiritual support of the Iranian nation against the people of the freedom lovers in the world. He explained, after the victory of Islamic revolution, Iranian nation is spiritually assess support bang sa whole world, who want the freedom as a noble duty and their obligations. According to him, it is this which encourages Iran to support the struggle of the people of Bahrain.

He added that the statement of anti-Iranian Arab officials do not have the weight and they do not deserve to release any statement after the people of Bahrain.

Meanwhile, the foreign ministers of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC) on Sunday and then at the end of its meeting in Saudi Arabia, expressed concern over Iran's intervention in the region. (I RIB / MF)

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