Acheh - Sumatra
Kita telah sama-sama menyaksikan bahwa persoalan Libanon tidak terlepas dari campur tangan Zionis yang tidak pernah berhenti selama mereka masih dibuka peluang untuk menghancurkan komunitas Islam. Zionis dengan konspirasi jahatnya mendapat support dari orang-orang Islam yang sudah terlanjur masuk perangkap Zionis. Kita juga sama-sama telah mengamati bagaimana zionis bereaksi di dalam komunitas Palestina, justeru sebahagian orang Palestina memiliki sepak terjang yang menguntungkan zionis itu sendiri. Justeru itulah zionis dengan mudahnya menzalimi komunitas Palestina. Silakan lihat di http berikut ini bagaimana orang yang berla gak pemimpin Palestina "memasukkan bola ke gawangnya sendiri":
(, apalagi zionis itu disam ping mendapat support kuat AS dan sekutunya, juga bergabung dalam konspirasi jahat rezim-rezim Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara yang sedang digulingkan rakyatnya masing-masing sekarang ini. Disebabkan konspirasi jahat ini jugalah Persoalan bangsa Palestina tidak pernah selesai
Persoalan Libanon identik juga dengan persoalan Palestina. Kita telah sama-sama menyaksikan ketika zionis memperluas jhajahannya ke Libanon justeru Hizbullahlah yang mampu meluluh lantakkan zionis walaupun zionis mendapat dukungan AS dan sekutunya ditambah konspirasi jahatnya dengan rezim-rezim Arab tadi. Kita telah sama-sama menyaksikan bagaimana konbspirasi jahat zionis merangkul Saat Hariri untuk memfitnah Hizbullah dalam kasus teror terhadap orang tua Saat Hariri. Kita telah sama-sama menyaksikan bagaimana persoalan tersebut dipercayakan kepada suatu pengadilan yang tidak indsependen, dimana pengadilan tersebut juga merupakan konspirasi jahat untuk memfitnah Hizbullah yang menteror orang tua Saat Hariri. Dalam kasus ini kita juga menyaksikan bagaimana lugunya Saat Hariri dengan mudah masuk perangkap zionis, kalau tidak kita katakan dungu.
Alhamdulillah pemerintah Libanon yang mendapat support Hizbullah terbuka mata hati hingga mampu melihat konspirasi jahat yang sedang dimainkan zionis dengan memanfaatkan pengadilan yang tidak independent tersebut. Realitanya Hizbullah dalam hal ini mewakili "wakil Tuhan" sebagaimana dinyatakan Allah sendiri ketika Dia hendak mengangkat seorang wakil Nya di Bumi, dimana para Malaikat mempertanyakan pertum pahan darah yang bakal diaplikasikan manusia di planet Bumi ini. Komunitas Hizbullah memiliki visi yang ta jam, mampu melihat apa yang terjadi dalam fenomena di Libanon dan bahkan di seluruh Dunia. Sejarah memang membuktikan Hizbullah berasal dari Republik Islam Iran. Apabila Hariri dan pendukungnya yang lugu itu tidak sependapat dengan Hizbullah dengan alasan pengaruh RII, andaikata Hariri tetap dipertahankan sebagai perdana menteri Libanon, kutub yang bersebrangan politiknya kan bisa juga memprotes Hariri yang masuk perangkap zionis, AS dan sekutunya?
Lalu bandingkanlah antara perspektif Hizbullah dan perspektif Hariri, mana yang benar-benar mewakili "kaca mata" Allah, ketika kita berbicara "Wakil Tuhan" di muka Bumi. Berbicara kebenaran juga tidak terlepas dari berbicara kutub "Qabil" dan kutub "Habil" di permukaan planet Bumi ini. Ketika persoalan Habil dan Qabil kita analisa dengan seksama, disana kita dapat menemukan dengan jelas bahwa sejak pertama manusia pecah menjadi 2 kutub, yang satu menempatkan diri sebagai "Penindas", sementara yang lainnya sebagai korbannya. Melalui analisa ke 2 kutub manusia yang berbeda sepak terjang itulah di zaman kita ini terlihat dengan jelas mana kubu Qabil dan mana kubu Habil dan ke kubu mana pula kita menempatkan diri ketika kita melihat 2 kutub yang kontraversi di zaman kita ini. Satu hal yang perlu kita akui bahwa masing-masing kubu atau kutub, mengklaim bahwa merekalah yang benar.
Justeru itu kita tidak akan pernah menemukan kebenaran sejati andaikata kita fokuskan persoalan tersebut pada platform "Demokrasi". Alasannya kalau kita kumpulkan manusia seluruh Dunia pastikan bahwa hanya 2 milkyar saja yang percaya kepada Pemilikj Dunia dan Alam semesta (Monotheis) dari lebih-kurang7 milyar penduduk Bumi yang Politheis dan Atheis. Dari 2 milyar yang monotheis itu masih banyak juga yang diper tanyakan konsekwensinya. Apabila demokrati tolok ukur kebenaran pastilah melenceng ketika kita mengam bil kesimpulan- Andaikata pemilihan Nabi di Arab dulu diserahkan kepada penduduk Arab yang tidak perca ya kepada Allah swt, dapat dipastikan Muhammad bin Abdullah tidak lebih dari 7 suara sedangkan suara ma yoritas akan dimiliki Musailamatul Kazzab. Selanjutnya lihatlah http beriket ini:
Berdasarkan keterangan diatas terbuktilah bahwa keliru 180 derajat ketika kita mengukur kebenaran suatu fenomena dengan "kaca mata" Demokrasi. Sayang sekali sepertinya kebanyakan politikus Dunia sekarang ini sedang digiring kekancah yang keliru dalam melihat fenomena "kebenaran". Justeru itu mereka tidak akan menemukan kebenaran sejati kecuali mereka terperangkap dalam kebenaran "semu" yang penuh bias.
Demikianlah persoalan sebahagian rakyat Libanon yang ikut-ikutan meniru revolusi di Timur Tengah dan Afrika Utara tetapi tidak memahami "Esensi" daripada revolusi tersebut. Semoga pendukung Saat Hariri sadar bahwa justeu Hariri yang lugu tidak sadar terperangkap dalam konspirasi jahat kaum zionis Dunia.
Dulu Dunia juga terbagi kepada 2 superpower, Parsi dan Romawi. Sementara negara-negara lainnya tidak terlepas dari tarikan orbit 2 superpower tersebut: ( Islam muncul sebagai tunas "Hijau" (Ghurabak) diantara "ranting-ranting yang kering" (2 superpower yang saling kontraversi). Fenomena tersebut juga kita saksikan di zaman kita ini dimana Republik Islam Iran muncul sebagai "Ghurabak" diantara AS dan Sofyet Uni. Ini adalah analisa secara Ideologis bukan analisa demokratis. Persepsi ini dapat ditemukan andaikata kita termasuk dalam kutub yang meyakini bahwa para Utusan Allah (Rasulullah) tanpa kecuali adalah para ideolog. Mereka adalah manusia-manusia yang berwajah "Merah" (pakai istilah Syahid DR Ali Syariati, rausyanfkr yang belum ada duanya yang mampu meluluh lantakkan asumsi Barat yang sebelumnya sangat dikagumi penduduk Dunia).
Sementara para Ilmuwan yang bersatu padu dalam system Taghut yang menzalimi kaum dhuafa adalah manusia-manusia yang "berwajah pucat", dimana mereka kerap terperangkap dengan pandangan "demokrasi" bukan poandangan Tuhan, Pemilik Alam Semesta. Manusia yang berwajah pucat kerap beranggapan keliru terhadap manusia-manusia yang berwajah merah. Sebetulnya ini merupakan persepsi 2 kutup manusia, Qabil dan Habil. Qabil menyulap agama yang dimiliki orang tuanya (Adam dan Hawa) hingga sirna esensinya. Dengan kekuatan yang dimilikinya "Qabil - Qabil" di zaman kita ini mengklaim bahwa merekalah yang benar sementara manusia kutup lainnya memahami pasti bahwa mereka yang mengandalkan kekuatan bukanlah manusia yang benar. Manusia dari kutub yang sadar ini haqqul yakin bahwa "yang menang belum tentu benar, yang benar pasti menang". Qabil memang menang atas Habil tetapi Qabil tidak benar. Kesudahannya Qabil masuk Neraka. Habil dikalahkan Qabil tetapi Habil berada di pihak yang benar. Justeru itu Habil masuk Surga kelak.
Kesimpulannya, marilah kita buka mata kita lebar-lebar pihak manakah yang benar diantara pengikut Saat Hariri dan pengikut Hizbullah di Libanon. Andaikata kita mampu menganalisa dengan benar kutub mana yang benar di Libanon, kita akan mapu juga memahami fenomena mana yang benar diantara AS dan sekutunya dan
Republik Islam Iran serta pendukungnya.
Billahi fi sabililhaq
di Ujung Dunia
We have both testified that the issue of Lebanon can not be separated from interference by Zionists who never stop as long as they still opened the opportunity to destroy the Islamic community. With his evil Zionist conspiracy to get support from Muslims who had already entered the Zionist trap. We also both have observed how the Zionist react within the Palestinian community, precisely sebahagian Palestinians have a favorable lunge kick zionism itself. That's precisely zionism simply menzalimi Palestinian community. Please see the following http how people who pretend Palestinian leaders "to enter the ball into his own net" (, especially the Zionist it is well received strong support U.S. and its allies, also joined in the conspiracy evil regimes of the Middle East and North Africa who were ousted people each today. Due to this evil conspiracy was also the issue of the Palestinians is never finished
The issue of Lebanon is identical also with the Palestinian issue. We have both witnessed when the Zionist expand into Lebanon precisely jhajahannya Hizbullahlah capable of devastating lantakkan zionism zionism although the U.S. and its allies have the support plus a wicked conspiracy by Arab regimes earlier. We have both seen how evil Zionist konbspirasi embrace When Hariri to slander Hezbollah in terror case against parents when Hariri. We have both witnessed how the matter was entrusted to a court that does not indsependen, where the court is also an evil conspiracy to malign the parents of Hezbollah that terrorized When Hariri. In this case we also see how lugunya When Hariri easily into the trap of the Zionist, if not we say stupid.
Praise the Lebanese government who have supported Hezbollah's open eyes of the heart to be able to see the evil conspiracy that is being played zionism by utilizing the courts are not independent. The reality of Hezbollah in this case represents "a representative of God" as revealed by God himself when He was about to appoint him a deputy on Earth, where the angels questioned the bloodshed that would be applied humans on planet Earth. Community Hezbollah has a sharp vision, able to see what happens in the phenomenon in Lebanon and around the World. History does prove Hezbollah came from the Islamic Republic of Iran. If Hariri and his supporters are naive does not agree with Hezbollah by reason of the influence of RII, if maintained Hariri as prime minister of Lebanon, his political polar opposite could also protest the Zionist trap incoming Hariri, the United States and its allies?
Then compare between Hezbollah's perspective and the perspective of Hariri, which truly represents the "glass eye" of God, when we speak of "Vice Lord" in the face of the Earth. Speaking the truth can not be separated from the talking polar "Cain" and polar "Abel" on the surface of this planet. When the issue of Abel and Cain us analyze it in detail, there we can find clearly that since humans first split into two poles, the one place as "Oppressors", while others as victims. Through analysis of the 2 different human poles lunge kick it at our age it is apparent where the camp where the camp Cain and Abel and to the camp where we also put ourselves when we saw 2 polar controversy in our time. One thing we need to recognize that each camp or a pole, claiming that they are correct.
Precisely that we will never discover the real truth if we focus on these issues on the platform "Democracy". The reason that we gather the people throughout the world confirm that only 2 milkyar Pemilikj believes in His World and Universe (monotheistic) from over-kurang7 billion inhabitants of Earth are polytheists and atheists. Of the 2 billion a monotheistic were still many who questioned the consequences. If the truth must be the benchmark demokrati sidetracked when we came to the conclusion-If the election in the Arab prophet was handed over to Arab residents who do not believe in Allah, Muhammad bin Abdullah's certainly not more than 7 votes while the majority will be owned Musailamatul Kazzab. Next take a look at this beriket http:
Based on the above information proved that wrong 180 degrees when we measure the truth of a phenomenon with a "glass eye" Democracy. Unfortunately it seems most politicians are currently herded World kekancah wrong in seeing the phenomenon of "truth." Precisely that they will not find truth unless they are trapped in the truth "pseudo" full of bias.
Thus the question sebahagian the Lebanese people who went along to imitate the revolution in the Middle East and North Africa but did not understand the "essence" rather than revolution. Hopefully, when Hariri's supporters realized that the innocent justeu Hariri unknowingly trapped in the evil conspiracy of the Zionist World.
World First also divided the two superpowers, Persia and Rome. While other countries can not be separated from the orbital pull of these two superpowers: ( Islam emerged as a budding "green" (Ghurabak) between "dry twigs" (2 each other superpower controversy). This phenomenon also we have witnessed in our time where the Islamic Republic of Iran emerged as a "Ghurabak" between the U.S. and Sofyet Union. It is analysis rather than analysis Ideological democratic. This perception can be found if we include the pole who believe that the Messenger of Allah (Prophet), without exception, are the ideologues. They are human beings who face "Red" (to use the term DR Ali Shaheed Shari'ati, rausyanfkr which is second to none yet is capable of devastating lantakkan Western assumptions that were previously highly admired by the World population).
While the scientists are united in a system that menzalimi taghut the poor are human beings "pale face", where they are often trapped by the view of "democracy" is not poandangan God, Owner of the Universe. Pale-faced man who is often mistakenly assumed to human red-faced man. Actually this is the second pole of human perception, Cain and Abel. Cain conjure religion that belongs to his father (Adam and Eve) to essentially vanished. With the strength of its "Cain - Cain" in our times claim that they are correct while the other pole of human understanding must be that those who rely on power is not a true man. Humans are aware of the poles is haqqul believe that "winning is not necessarily true, correct definitely win." Cain's win over the Abel but Cain was not true. Cain end to hell. Cain defeated Abel, but Abel was in the right. Indeed, it is Abel go to heaven someday.
In conclusion, let us open our eyes wide open right side Which among the followers and followers when Hariri Hezbollah in Lebanon. If we are able to analyze correctly the poles which is true in Lebanon, we will mapu also understand the phenomenon of what is right between the U.S. and its allies and
Islamic Republic of Iran and their supporters.
Billahi fi sabililhaq
at the End of the World
Lebanon protests turn violent
Pro-Hariri supporters hold rallies on "day of rage", as lawmakers vote to back Hezbollah's candidate for prime minister.
Supporters of Saad Hariri, Lebanon's caretaker prime minister, have held violent demonstrations in protest against Hezbollah's nomination of a candidate for the post of prime minister, a move that brings the group one step closer to controlling the government.
Lawmakers in Beirut voted on Tuesday to back Najib Mikati, the candidate Hezbollah had proposed, as a prime minister. He gained 68 votes to Hariri's 60, putting the Hezbollah-led opposition in a position to form a government.
Demonstrations were called across the country, with thousands gathering in the northern city of Tripoli, and on the highway linking Beirut with the southern port city of Sidon. Hariri, the caretaker prime minister, held a national address after the protests calling for calm and rejecting violence in the public demonstrations.
Rula Amin, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Beirut, reported that the protests were "angry", and that journalists were being targeted by the crowds.
Protesters took to the streets, rejecting the proposal of Mikati as the country's next prime minister [AFP]
"We had a ... transmission truck for Al Jazeera burnt down [in Tripoli]. The journalists who are there are being surrounded, they are being attacked [and] they are calling for help," she said.
Al Jazeera later confirmed that the journalists who were surrounded at their building in Tripoli were able to get out safely, but the truck's windsheld was smashed, before protesters set it on fire.
"It seems the frustration that is among the Hariri supporters is gaining momentum. However, it doesn't seem like there is a plan. They don't know how to get that frustration out," Amin reported.
She said that protests in Beirut had been small, but they put residents on edge. Army tanks had been deployed in the capital.
"There has been a protest here [at the Kola intersection], you can see the burning tyres. A few dozen young men came around, burned the tyres, put garbage bins in the street, blocked the roads. A few army patrols also came, they tried to reopen the road. At some points they did, and other roads they left closed," she said.
"For a 'Day of Rage', this [the Beirut protest] is still a small, contained, controlled protest.
"There is a lot of concern that this political crisis will turn violent, and that's why people here are very concerned."
Nevertheless, an Al Jazeera cameraman in Beirut was "harassed, and almost beaten. [Protesters] want journalists to get out of the area, they didn't want any filming. And they went after even some international media present there".
"As you can see, the protests are small [in Beirut] - however, most people today did not send their kids to school, and many people didn't go to work. They are concerned, they don't know how these protests will develop."
Hariri appeals for calm
In his televised address to the nation, Hariri called for calm, telling supporters who resorted to violence to "reject [that] path".
"I call you towards national unity, and there was never a day when my path was sectarian. The national path should above any other path, and anger should not be the resort," he said.
"You are today an angry people, but you are a responsible people. You are responsible for the security of Lebanon and the security of life amongst Lebanese people.
"I understand the screams of anger ... but this anger must not lead us towrds what is against [the national interest].
"Democracy is our refuge, and is something we should never give up."
Al Jazeera's Amin reported that Hariri's supporters will likely heed his advice.
"Probably by the end of today ... these protests will wane down, since he has come out and said that these protests are not in our interest," she said.
She also said that his comments suggested that he had accepted that he would not be the prime minister for much longer, and that Mikati would suceed him.
Hariri also apologised for the attack on the Al Jazeera transmission truck in Tripoli.
Lawmakers back Mikati
Protests had earlier erupted in Sunni Muslim regions across Lebanon against the nomination of Mikati, a billionaire businessman, as Hezbollah's favoured candidate to be the next prime minister on Monday.
Hezbollah, which draws its support mainly from Lebanon's Shia Muslim community, has a powerful military wing as well as a parliamentary faction.
The decision by Hezbollah comes at the beginning of consultations headed by Michel Suleiman, the president, with parliamentary groups on appointing a new prime minister, after the group brought down the unity government earlier this month.
"It's Mikati for sure," Walid Jumblatt, leader of Lebanon's Druze community, who last week became allied with Hezbollah, told the AFP news agency.
He also said Hezbollah secured a majority number of votes in the 128-member parliament to ensure the election of Mikati as its candidate to head the next government, in what Hariri supporters are calling a "coup".
The 55-year-old Mikati, who served briefly as prime minister in 2005 and is close to Syria, said after meeting with Suleiman that if he is appointed, he would act as a consensual candidate representing all parties.
"I extend my hand to everyone," he said. "If I am appointed, my actions will speak for themselves."
Asked if Mikati could bring consensus in the Lebanese political sphere, Al Jazeera's Amin said: "If anyone can, this man has the potential to do it."
'Day of rage'
Hezbollah's decision to appoint Mikati prompted Sunni politicans to call for a "day of rage" throughout the country.
Protests erupted quickly in areas populated by Sunnis to express their rejection of what they called "Persian tutelage" over Lebanon - a reference to Hezbollah's Iranian patrons.
Al Jazeera's Zeina Khodr, reporting from Beirut, said that protests were quick to break out after the announcement.
"People have come on to the streets, especially in strongholds of Saad Hariri, demonstrating against the selection of Mikati," she said.
She said that several districts of northern Lebanon, as well as the port city of Tripoli, have seen protests by supporters of the March 14 coalition, led by Hariri.
The US has weighed in on the issue, with PJ Crowley, the state department spokesperson, saying that a possibly larger political role for Hezbollah in Lebanon's government could complicate ties and impact its ongoing aid to the country.
Hassan Nasrallah, the Hezbollah leader, has pledged to include its political rivals in Lebanon's next government if its candidate for prime minister won a parliamentary majority in an upcoming vote.
Conflicting stands
Nasrallah said on Sunday that Hezbollah and its allies want to form a national unity government, rather than seeking to govern alone.
However, Saad Hariri, who is standing for another term, has ruled out joining a government headed by a candidate appointed by Hezbollah, saying there was no such thing as a consensual candidate.
"There is a candidate named Saad Hariri, and then there is another candidate nominated by the opposition," he said in a statement on Monday.
"Those are the only two choices."
Hariri's government collapsed when Hezbollah and its allies pulled out 11 ministers from the cabinet in a dispute over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, which is investigating the 2005 murder of Saad's father and the country’s former prime minister, Rafiq al-Hariri.
Nasrallah, who has accused the Netherlands-based tribunal of being under US-Israeli control, has said he expects it will implicate Hezbollah members and warned of grave repercussions.
Many fear Hezbollah will react violently if its members are indicted, as is widely expected.
Al Jazeera and agencies
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