Acheh - Sumatra
Hemat saya system yang benar -. benar Islami adalah Republik Islam Iran. Saat rakyat di negara tersebut berevolusi dan saat musuh-musuh RII berusaha untuk menumbangkan RII secara beramai-ramai, Syria adalah satu-satunya negara yang berpihak kepada RII. hsndwsp tidak melihat adanya negara lain saat itu yang berpihak kepada RII Justeru itu saya berharap kepada Turkey agar menghormati Syria yang betapapun memiliki nilai plusnya di mata RII.
Memang Turkey sekarang sudah melakukan Reformasi dan hsndwsp memandang positif kepada Tur key sekarang. Tetapi Turkey masih netral politik luar negrinya. Politik yang benar memang harus ne tral saat kita berhadapan diantara negara-negara yang independen tetapi ketika kita berhadapan dengan negara independen dan dependen, Turkey seharusnya tidak boleh netral. Dengan kata lain Kita tidak boleh netral ketika kita menjadi pengamat diantara negara RII dan AS dan sekutunya. Kita musti memihak RII tetapi andaikata terjadi kontra antara Turkey dan Syria kita harus netral atau menjadi penengah diantara dua "saudara" yang independent.
Desakan Turkey agar Syria cepat bereformasi pasti akan membuat Syria tersinggung. Opini saya ini muncul setelah melihat DR Yusuf Qardhawi dalam khotbah Jumat di Qatar menyeru rakyat Suriah untuk turun ke jalan-jalan dan menyulut kekacauan . Terlebih lagi konferensi pers pimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin Suriah di Istanbul yang menyerukan masyarakat supaya menggelar unjuk rasa setelah shalat Juma. Syria jangan disamakan dengan regime-regim yang sedang di gulingkan dalam revolusi rakyat di Mesir, Bahrain, Yaman dan lain-lainnya. Hsndwsp hanya melihat RII, Syria, Turkey dan Libanon sekarang yang mampu melihat siapa musuh mereka yang sebenarnya.
Dari itu andaikata terjadi keretakan antara Turkey dan Syria justeru kerugian bagi negara-.negara yang independen saya sebutkan tadi. Dari itu Turkey harus meminta maaf kepada Syria dimana Turkey pun baru sekarang menjadi negara independent tetapi belum juga independen 100 porsen. Sebetulnya RII lah yang pantas menegur Syria tetapi RII sangat hati-hati dalam hal yang dapat membuat "negara saha bat" tersinggung. Terakhir sekali hsndwsp juga memohon agar Syria terus bereformasi sebagaimana yang telah direncanakan Presiden Basyar Assad, sebagai tindakan yang paling tepat buat keamanan negara Syria. Hal ini kita sadari bahwa transfor masi di kawasan sangat berpengaruh hingga dapat juga di manfaat kan pihak musuh untuk memfitnah rakyat yang belum mantap ideologfy independent nya. Jangankan negara Syria dan Turkey, Republik Islam Iran yang mendapat redha Allah swt sebagai representant system Islam juga masih tidak sunyi dari fitnah musuh.(hsndwsp, Acheh - Sumatra)
Turki: Dukung Bashar Assad atau Tidak?
Menteri Luar Negeri Turki, Ahmet Davutoglu, melakukan kunjungan ke sejumlah negara di kawasan seperti Bahrain dan Qatar. Kemudian Davutoglu, hari Rabu (6/3) melanjutkan kunjungannya ke Suriah.
Menteri Luar Negeri Turki, Ahmet Davutoglu, melakukan kunjungan ke sejumlah negara di kawasan seperti Bahrain dan Qatar. Kemudian Davutoglu, hari Rabu (6/3) melanjutkan kunjungannya ke Suriah.
Kantor Berita Anatoly melaporkan, kunjungan Davutoglu ke Suriah guna membahas perkembangan terbaru di kawasan. Davutoglu juga menyatakan bahwa Ankara mendukung penuh program reformasi yang digagas Presiden Bashar Assad. Perdana Menteri Turki juga menghendaki reformasi politik dan penerapan demokrasi di Suriah.
Berdasarkan laporan tersebut, Davutoglu dalam pertemuannya dengan Presiden Bashar Assad me nyampaikan kekhawatirannya atas transformasi di kawasan dan menghendaki dipercepatnya proses reformasi di Suriah. Terkait hal ini, Turki bersedia membantu merealisasikan reformasi politik yang dikehendaki Presiden Bashar Assad. Ankara juga meyakini bahawa proses reformasi di Suriah malah akan memperkokoh hubungan Turki dan Suriah.
Turki dari satu sisi menghendaki dipercepatnya proses reformasi di Suriah, sedangkan dari sisi lain, Ankara menawarkan pengalamannya untuk membenahi undang-undang dalam pemerintahan Damas kus. Tentunya, kemauan Turki ini menjadi sorotan media-media di Suriah dan Turki. Penekanan beru langkali Turki yang meminta dipercepatnya proses refomasi, dinilai membuat Bashar Assad sedikit ke cewa atas kebijakan Ankara.
Kolomnis keturunan Suriah, Hosni Mahali, dalam artikelnya yang dimuat Koran Aksam, terbitan Turki, menyatakan bahwa Bashar Assad dan para pejabat Suriah kurang senang dengan pernyataan Perdana Menteri Turki, Recep Tayyip Erdogan di London. Erdogan dalam konferensi pers dengan sejawatnya asal Inggris menyatakan, apa yang disampaikan Bashar Assad di parlemen jauh dari harapan Ankara.
Bashar Assad dalam pidatonya di parlemen Suriah yang juga disiarkan langsung televisi lokal, mengatakan, Suriah tengah dihadapkan pada konspirasi besar. Dikatakannya pula, garis merah konspirasi ini memanjang dari negara dekat hingga negara-negara jauh. Presiden Suriah menyebut kerusuhan yang terjadi di negaranya sebagai fitnah yang harus dipadamkan. Ditegaskannya, "Tidak ada kata tengah, Anda bisa memilih bersama fitnah atau melawannya dan berusaha untuk memadamkannya."
Di antara kekecewaan Suriah atas Turki adalah konferensi pers pimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin Suriah di Istanbul yang menyerukan masyarakat supaya menggelar unjuk rasa setelah shalat Jumat. Dari sisi lain, media-media massa Turki memandang penting lawatan Davoutoglu ke Damaskus.
Belum lama ini, Yousuf Qaradhawi dalam khotbah Jumat di Qatar menyeru rakyat Suriah untuk turun ke jalan-jalan dan menyulut kekacauan. Sikap itu masih dipertahankannya sampai sekarang. Menanggapi sikap Qaradhawi itu, Kepala Biro Politik Hamas Khaled Meshal menyesalkan pernyataan Yousuf Qaradhawi dan menyebutnya sebagai belati yang menikam jantung Palestina dan menguntungkan Israel. Menurut Meshal, Suriah adalah satu-satunya negara Arab yang tidak terlibat dalam konspirasi terhadap Palestina dan selalu mendukung perjuangan rakyat Palestina. (IRIB, AR/NA)
Bashar Assad dalam pidatonya di parlemen Suriah yang juga disiarkan langsung televisi lokal, mengatakan, Suriah tengah dihadapkan pada konspirasi besar. Dikatakannya pula, garis merah konspirasi ini memanjang dari negara dekat hingga negara-negara jauh. Presiden Suriah menyebut kerusuhan yang terjadi di negaranya sebagai fitnah yang harus dipadamkan. Ditegaskannya, "Tidak ada kata tengah, Anda bisa memilih bersama fitnah atau melawannya dan berusaha untuk memadamkannya."
Di antara kekecewaan Suriah atas Turki adalah konferensi pers pimpinan Ikhwanul Muslimin Suriah di Istanbul yang menyerukan masyarakat supaya menggelar unjuk rasa setelah shalat Jumat. Dari sisi lain, media-media massa Turki memandang penting lawatan Davoutoglu ke Damaskus.
Belum lama ini, Yousuf Qaradhawi dalam khotbah Jumat di Qatar menyeru rakyat Suriah untuk turun ke jalan-jalan dan menyulut kekacauan. Sikap itu masih dipertahankannya sampai sekarang. Menanggapi sikap Qaradhawi itu, Kepala Biro Politik Hamas Khaled Meshal menyesalkan pernyataan Yousuf Qaradhawi dan menyebutnya sebagai belati yang menikam jantung Palestina dan menguntungkan Israel. Menurut Meshal, Suriah adalah satu-satunya negara Arab yang tidak terlibat dalam konspirasi terhadap Palestina dan selalu mendukung perjuangan rakyat Palestina. (IRIB, AR/NA)
(Acheh - Sumatra)
Acheh - Sumatra
In my opinion the correct system -. Islami is true of the Islamic Republic of Iran. When people in the country evolves and as the enemies of trying to subvert RII RII in a rollicking, Syria is the only country that siding with the RII. hsndwsp do not see any other country at that time in favor of RII Indeed, it is my hope to Turkey for Syria to respect that no matter how plusnya value in the eyes of RII.
Indeed, Turkey is now doing hsndwsp Reform and positive regard to Turkey now. But Turkey still politically neutral outside their cities. Politics is true indeed be neutral when we are faced among the countries that are independent but when we're dealing with independent and dependent countries, Turkey should not be neutral. In other words, we must not neutral when we become observers of the state RII and the U.S. and its allies. We got to side with RII but if there cons between Turkey and Syria we should be neutral or to mediate between the two "brothers" are independent.
The urge Turkey to Syria rapid reform is bound to make Syria offended. My opinion comes after seeing Dr Yusuf Qaradawi in a sermon Friday in Qatar called on the people of Syria to descend into the streets and sparked chaos. Moreover, the Muslim Brotherhood led a press conference in Istanbul, which called for Syria to hold a public rally after Juma prayers. Syria not to be confused with the regime-the regime is on a roll into people's revolution in Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and others. Hsndwsp only see RII, Syria, Turkey and Lebanon are now able to see who their real enemy.
From that if there a rift between Turkey and Syria precisely losses for the state-independent .negara I mentioned earlier. From that Turkey should apologize to Syria where Turkey had now become an independent country but still not 100 porsen independent. Actually RII deserve rebuke Syria but RII very carefully in terms of who can make a "friendly countries" offended. Finally once hsndwsp also pleaded with Syria continue as planned reform Basyar President Assad, as the most appropriate mea sures for security of the country of Syria. This we realize that the transformation still in the area are very influential as to be also in the benefits of his enemy to slander the people who have not esta blished his independent ideologfy. Never mind the state of Syria and Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran who got Redha Allah swt as representant Islamic system is still not silent from slander the enemy. (hsndwsp, Acheh - Sumatra)
Indeed, Turkey is now doing hsndwsp Reform and positive regard to Turkey now. But Turkey still politically neutral outside their cities. Politics is true indeed be neutral when we are faced among the countries that are independent but when we're dealing with independent and dependent countries, Turkey should not be neutral. In other words, we must not neutral when we become observers of the state RII and the U.S. and its allies. We got to side with RII but if there cons between Turkey and Syria we should be neutral or to mediate between the two "brothers" are independent.
The urge Turkey to Syria rapid reform is bound to make Syria offended. My opinion comes after seeing Dr Yusuf Qaradawi in a sermon Friday in Qatar called on the people of Syria to descend into the streets and sparked chaos. Moreover, the Muslim Brotherhood led a press conference in Istanbul, which called for Syria to hold a public rally after Juma prayers. Syria not to be confused with the regime-the regime is on a roll into people's revolution in Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen and others. Hsndwsp only see RII, Syria, Turkey and Lebanon are now able to see who their real enemy.
From that if there a rift between Turkey and Syria precisely losses for the state-independent .negara I mentioned earlier. From that Turkey should apologize to Syria where Turkey had now become an independent country but still not 100 porsen independent. Actually RII deserve rebuke Syria but RII very carefully in terms of who can make a "friendly countries" offended. Finally once hsndwsp also pleaded with Syria continue as planned reform Basyar President Assad, as the most appropriate mea sures for security of the country of Syria. This we realize that the transformation still in the area are very influential as to be also in the benefits of his enemy to slander the people who have not esta blished his independent ideologfy. Never mind the state of Syria and Turkey, the Islamic Republic of Iran who got Redha Allah swt as representant Islamic system is still not silent from slander the enemy. (hsndwsp, Acheh - Sumatra)
Turkey: Support Bashar Assad or Not?
Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoglu, made visits to several countries in the region such as Bahrain and Qatar. Then Davutoglu, on Wednesday (6 / 3) continues his visit to Syria.
Anatoly News Agency reported, Davutoglu visit to Syria to discuss the latest developments in the region. Davutoglu also said that Ankara supports the full program of reforms initiated by President Bashar Assad. Turkish Prime Minister also wants political reform and the implementation of democracy in Syria.
Based on these reports, Davutoglu in his meeting with President Bashar Assad expressed his concern over the transformation in the region and call for accelerated reform process in Syria. Related to this, Turkey willing to help realize the desired political reforms of President Bashar Assad. Ankara also believes that unlicensed reform process in Syria will actually strengthen the relationship Turkey and Syria.
Turkey wants the side of the cypress accelerated reform process in Syria, while from the other side, Ankara offers his experience to fix the law in the government of Damascus. Obviously, this Turkey will be a media spotlight on Syria and Turkey. Emphasis has repeatedly asked Turkey accelerated reformation process, assessed Bashar Assad made a little disappointed by the policies of Ankara.
Columnist Syrian descent, Hosni Mahali, in his article published Aksam newspaper, published by Turkey, claimed that Bashar Assad and Syrian officials unhappy with the statement of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan in London. Erdogan told a news conference with British colleagues stated, what is presented in parliament, Bashar Assad is far from Ankara.
Bashar Assad in a speech in the Syrian parliament who was also broadcast live on local television, said Syria was faced with a big conspiracy. He said also, this conspiracy red line extending from the countries near to distant countries. Syrian president calls unrest in his country as a slander to be extinguished. Stressed, "There is no middle, you can choose with or slander against him and tried to extinguish it."
Among Syria's disappointment over Turkey is a Muslim Brotherhood-led press conference in Istanbul, which called for Syria to hold public demonstrations after Friday prayers. From the other side, the Turkish mass media critical look Davoutoglu trip to Damascus.
Not long ago, Yousuf Qaradawi in a sermon Friday in Qatar called on the people of Syria to descend into the streets and sparked chaos. That attitude is still retained until now. In response to Qaradawi's stance, Hamas Political Bureau Chief Khaled Meshal deplored the statement Yousuf Qaradawi and call it a dagger that pierced the heart of the Palestinian and Israeli profitable. According to Meshal, Syria is the only Arab country not involved in the conspiracy against Palestine and always support the struggle of the Palestinian people. (IRIB, AR / NA)
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