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03 Juni 2011



Acheh - Sumatra

Pancasila, bahasanya saja berasal dari bahasa "Sangskerta" atau bahasa Jawa kuno dimana terjemahan bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa Hindunesia adalah "Lima Sila"
Sila pertama bertentangan dengan Suarah al Ikhlas. 
Hal ini dapat dilihat keterangannya di

Realitanya kebanyakan bekas PII sirna Ideology mereka paska selesai mengikuti semua jenjang training. Ke banyakan mereka yang sirna Ideology anti Pancasila itu disebabkan mereka memilih jadi pegawai negeri Indo nesia di Acheh. Sebahagian yang lain disebabkan menjadi anggota partai PPP yang mereka anggap sebagai partai Islami. Saya pribadi bukan hanya tidak sependapat dengan mereka yang memilih jadi PPP, di  mana me nurut saya masih berada dalam bingkai system Indonesia Pancasila, tetapi juga mengharapkan sangat agar PII itu dapat diubah menjadi PIA (baca Pelajar Islam Acheh). Hal ini sudah barang pasti berhadapan dengan TNI dan POLRI sebagai "pa gar" system Indonesia Pancasila. Sebagai konsekwensinya saya berdaya upaya untuk keluar dari pegawai negri Acheh - Indonesia disebabkan secara otomatis berarti saya bersatupa du dalam sys tem yang sesat dan menyesatkan tersebut.

Alhamdulillah usaha saya berhasil keluar dari system Tagfhut Indonesia Pancasila, sementara ada beberapa kawan saya sampai hari ini belum berhasil keluar walaupun ketika kami dulu sering bertemu sama-sama meya kini sirnanya 'aqidah andaikata tidak keluar dari pegawai Indonesia. Sekarang saya sadari bahwa saya masih berbeda persepsi dengan kawan tersebut dimana saya bukan dipengaruhi oleh training PII yang masih dalam bingkai system Taghut tetapi alhamdulillah disebabkan pemantapan surah al Kahfi dan Ideology Imam Hussein yang pantang bersatupadu dalam system "Yazid" yang menzalimi kaum Dhuafa itu. Dalam hal ini silakan telu   suri disini selayang pandang Ideology Imam Hussein: dan, sedangkan untuk su rah al Kahfi, juga selayang pandang dapat ditelusuri disini: (   kan-hanya.html)

Hari ini ketika saya lihat "Pidato Soekarno" yang di forward IRIB Indonesia ternyata apa yang saya tulis di blog achehkarbala tersebut terbukti orang Indonesia kebanyakan belum menemukan Ideology Imam Hussein walaupun mereka sudah belajar di Qom Iran. Tulisan yang mereka forward berikut ini adalah buktinya. Kepa da orang Indonesia yang terlibat dalam media IRIB ini saya mohon maaf bahwa saya tidak memusuhi an da-anda sekalian tetapi saya berkata yang sebenarnya mudah-mudahan anda dapat memahami bagaimana se bahagian orang Indonesia Itu sesat akibat digantinya "PIAGAM JAKARTA" dengan Pancasila oleh Soe karno cs dulu: Kita manusia saling ingat mengingatkan dalam hidup di Dunia ini yang bertujuan untuk menjalan kan perintah Allah bukan saling membenci. Hal ini sesuai kata Rasulullah sendiri: "Qulilhaq walau kaana mur ra" yang terjemahan bebasnya: "Katakanlah yang benar walaupun pahit" (hsndwsp, Acheh - Sumatra) 

Mayoritas Rakyat Ingin Pancasila Diajarkan di Sekolah
Momentum peringatan hari lahir Pancasila 1 Juni 2011 diupayakan terjadi revitalisasi terhadap implementasi Pancasila. Untuk mengetahui respon masyarakat, Badan Pusat Statistik melakukan survei dengan 12 ribu responden di seluruh Indonesia. Hasilnya, 80% masyarakat Indonesia menginginkan agar implementasi nilai -nilai pancasila dimasukkaan dalam kurikulum sekolah.

"Kira-kira 80 persen yang berharap ada intensitas (nilai) pancasila dalam kurikulum. Bukan hanya teorinya, le bih kepada pengamalannya, bagaimana implementasikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, mereka merasa kurang selama ini," ujar Kepala BPS Rusman Heriawan seusai melaporkan hasil survei tersebut kepada Presiden Susi lo Bambang Yudhoyono di Kantor Presiden Jakarta, Selasa (31/5).

Rusman menjelaskan, survei tersebut dilakukan selama tiga hari, yakni tanggal 27, 28 dan 29 Mei 2011. Res ponden yang disurvei sebanyak 12 ribu, kepada seluruh masyarakat yang terdistribusi sesuai dengan tingkat pendidikan dan pekerjaannya. Di 33 Provinsi dengan total 181 Kabupaten/Kota. "Dari berbagai golongan, a da tentara, anggota dewan, elit politik, petani juga birokrat. Pokoknya merata, dari Aceh hingga Papua. Umumnya sama responnya, positif, kangen (terhadap impelementasi pancasila)," ujar Rusman.Rusman me nyampaikan, kekangenan masyarakat terhadap Pancasila, kemungkinan karena akhir-akhir ini banyak terjadi ketegangan-ketegangan horizontal yang terjadi di masyarakat. "Mereka merindukan bagaimana masyarakat bisa memahami kehidupan yang toleran, kan itu ada di Pancasila," tuturnya. Ia pun menyampaikan, dalam survei tersebut juga ada aspirasi yang tetap ekstrem, menyatakan Pancasila sebagai peninggalan indoktrinasi masa lalu.

"Memang ada yang ekstrem, tetapi itu cuma satu persen," jelas Rusman. Ia mengatakan, penerapan Pancasila dalam kurikulum sekolah, yang paling penting bagaimana mengemas paket pelajaran Pancasila. Yakni mene kankan pemahamannya, bukan dari sisi teori, seperti yang ada di masa lalu, menghafal setiap butir. "Ma syara kat ingin bagaimana lebih kepada implementasi sebagai insan apa yang yang harus dilakukan. Misalkan untuk persatuan bangsa, apa yang akan dilakukan," tukasnya. Rusman menyampaikan, hasil survei secara lengkap tersebut disampaikan Presiden dalam Pidato peringatan hari kelahiran Pancasila di Gedung MPR,1Juni. Presiden Yudhoyono berpidato tepat pukul 10.00 WIB di Gedung Nusantara IV MPR/DPR, Jakarta, dihadiri oleh seluruh anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) dan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah (DPD).Selain SBY, dua Presiden sebelumnya juga menyampaikan pidatonya, yakni Presiden ke-3 RI BJ Habibie, Presiden ke-5 Megawati Soekarnoputri. SBY mendapatkan giliran ketiga setelah BJ Habibie, Megawati, lalu diakhiri SBY. Selain tiga presiden, beberapa mantan Wakil Presiden seperti Hamzah Haz, Try Sutrisno, dan Jusuf Kalla juga hadir dalam acara ini.

Agenda penting lain dalam rangkaian peringatan pidato Bung Karno, jelasnya, MPR juga akan menggelar lokakarya nasional yang akan mengundang seluruh pakar yang berkompeten untuk bersama-sama memberikan masukan tentang rumusan Pancasila. Melalui peringatan pidato Bung Karno 1 Juni 1945, dimaksudkan agar Pancasila tidak hanya sebagai konsep pemikiran semata, tetapi mampu menjadi landasan etika dan moral dalam pembangunan pranata politik, pemerintahan, ekonomi, penegakan hukum, politik, sosial budaya, dan berbagai aspek kehidupan lainnya. (IRIB/Media Indonesia/ AR)

The reality is most of them former PII Ideology vanished after completion of all levels of training se. Most of those who vanished anti-Pancasila Ideology FITNESS cause they choose to be servants of Indonesia in Acheh. Sebahagian which he in due to the PPP party members who they consider to be the party Is Lami. I personally do not disagree just those who choose to be the PPP, which in my opinion are still in the frame system of Indonesia Pancasila, but also expect highly for PII that can be converted to PIA (read Islamic Student Acheh). This would, of dealing with military and police as "pa gar" system Indonesia Pancasila. As a consequence I make an effort un tuk servants out of Aceh - Indonesia caused automatically mean I bersatupadu in a system that misled and misleading.

Thank God I made it out of business system Tagfhut Indonesia Pancasila, while there are a few of my friends to this day has not made it out though when we first met together often believe disappearance 'aqidah If it were not out of Indonesian officials. Now I realize that I was a different perception with friends is where I was not affected by yellow tray PII that is still in the frame system but alhamdulillah taghut caused stabilization of surah al-Kahf and the Ideology of Imam Hussein who never bersatupadu in the system "Yazid" which menzalimi the Dhuafa it. In this case please telu suri here Ideology of Imam Hussein overview: and - bulan.html), while for the surah al-Kahf, also can ditelusu ri overview here: (kan-hanya.html

Today when I see "Sukarno's speech" is in forward IRIB Indonesia turned out what I wrote on the blog achehkarbala Indonesia proved people Most of them do not find the Ideology of Imam Hussein even though they are already studying in Qom in Iran. Writing that they forward the following is the proof. To the people of Indonesia who are involved in the media this IRIB I apologize that I am not hostile to you, you all but I say that is actually easy-young han you can understand how the Indonesian people was misguided sebahagian bat battery replacement "CHARTER JAKARTA" with the Pancasila by Soekarno cs first: We humans remember to remind each other of life in this world that aims to carry out God's command not hate each other. This is according to the Prophet himself said: "Qulilhaq though kaana murra" a free translation: "Say the right despite bitter" (hsndwsp, Aceh - Sumatra)

The majority of the People Want Five Principles Taught in Schools
Momentum anniversary of Pancasila was born June 1, 2011 on the implementation of the revitalization effort going Pancasila. To study the response of the community, the Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey with 12 thousand respondents across Indonesia. As a result, 80% of the people of Indonesia want to implement the values ​​of Pancasila dimasukkaan in the school curriculum.

"Approximately 80 percent who expect no intensity (value) Pancasila in the curricula. Not only is his theory, rather the pengamalannya, how to implement in daily life, they feel less for it," BPS chief Rusman Heriawan said after reporting the survey results to the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the presidential office on Tuesday (31 / 5).

Rusman explained, the survey conducted over three days, namely 27, 28 and 29 May 2011. Respondents were surveyed as many as 12 thousand, to all the people who distributed according to the level of education and work. In 33 provinces with a total of 181 District / Town.

"Of the various groups, there are soldiers, members of the council, the political elite, farmers were also bureau crats. Anyway evenly, from Aceh to Papua. Generally same response, positive, miss (against the implementa tion of Pancasila), "said Rusman.

Rusman convey, kekangenan community against Pancasila, possibly because these days there are many hori zontal tensions place in society. "They miss how the public can understand the life of a tolerant, right there in the Pancasila," he said. He also conveyed, in the survey were also there is the aspiration that remains extreme, state indoctrination of Pancasila as the relics of the past. "There is an extreme, but it was just one percent," said Rusman.

He said the implementation of Pancasila in the school curriculum, the most important lesson how to package package Pancasila. Namely emphasize understanding, not from the theory, like the one in the past, memorize every item. "People want to how much to implementation as a human being what to do. Suppose for the unity of the nation, what will be done, "he said.

Rusman expressed, the complete survey results are presented in the President's speech anniversary of the birth of Pancasila in the Assembly Building, 1 June. President Yudhoyono addressed promptly at 10:00 am in Building Nusantara IV MPR / DPR, Jakarta, attended by all members of the House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional Representative Council (DPD).

SBY addition, two previous president also gave his speech, namely the 3rd RI President  BJ  Habibie, Presi   dent Megawati Sukarnoputri to-5. SBY get a third turn after BJ Habibie, Megawati, SBY then termina ted. In addition to the three presidents, several former Vice President Hamzah Haz like, Try Sutrisno, and Jusuf Kalla also attended the ceremony.

Another important agenda in the series of speeches warning of Bung Karno, he explained, the Assembly will also hold a national workshop which will invite all competent experts together to advise on the formulation of Pancasila. Through speeches warning Bung Karno June 1, 1945, intended for Pancasila not only as a concept of thought alone, but could become the basis ethics and morals in the development of political institutions, government, economics, law enforcement, political, social, cultural, and various aspects of life other. (IRIB / Media Indonesia / AR) 

Acheh - Sumatra

Pancasila, language only from the language "Sangskerta" or ancient Javanese language 
in which Indone sian translation or language Hindunesia is the "Five Precepts" 
First Precept against Suarah al Ikhlas. 
It can be seen at 

The reality is most of Them ex post Ideology PII Following vanished finished all levels of training. Most of those vanished WHO anti-Pancasila Ideology That the caused Them to choose to be Servants of Indonesia in Acheh. Sebahagian the which the caused a PPP party members WHO They perceive as an Islamic party. I personally do not only protest against those WHO choose to be the PPP, the which I think are still in the frame system of Indonesia Pancasila, but protested Also PII Itself in Acheh established for PIA (read Islamic Student Acheh). Would this, of dealing with military and police as a "fence" system Indonesia Pancasila. As a consequence I make an effort to get out of city employees due to be automatically mean I bersatupadu in a system That misguided and misleading.

Thank God I made it out of business system Tagfhut Indonesia Pancasila, while there are A Few of my friends to this day has not made it out though When We first met together Often believe disappearance 'aqidah if employees do not get out of Indonesia. Now I Realize That I still differs da with friends is Nowhere I am not influenced by trayning PII That Is still in the frame system, but alhamdulillah taghut the caused stabilization of surah al-Kahf and the Ideology of Imam Hussein WHO never bersatupadu in the system "Yazid "which menzalimi the Dhuafa it. In this case, please browse here overview Ideology of Imam Hussein: (, while for the surah al-Kahf , Also Selayang of view cans be traced here: (

Pls Today I see "Sukarno's speech" is in forward IRIB Indonesia turned out what I wrote on the blog proves Achehkarbala Mostly Indonesian people have not found the Ideology of Imam Hussein even though They are already studying in Qom in Iran. Writing That They forward the Following is the proof. To the people of Indonesia WHO are involved in the media this IRIB I apologize That I am not hostile to you, you all but I say That actual cans memahgami hopefully you how Indonesia was lost due to the replacement of "CHARTER JAKARTA" with the Five Principles by Sukarno first: We Humans EACH Remember to Remind dalkam other live in this world That AIMS to run the command of God not to hate EACH other. This is According to the Prophet Himself said: "Qulilhaq though kaana murra" (hsndwsp, Aceh - Sumatra)

The majority of the People Want Five Principles Taught in Schools
Momentum anniversary of Pancasila was born June 1, 2011 on the implementation of the revitalization effort going Pancasila. To study the response of the community, the Central Bureau of Statistics conducted a survey with 12 thousand respondents across Indonesia. As a result, 80% of the people of Indonesia Wants To implement the values ​​of Pancasila dimasukkaan in the school curriculum.

"Approximately 80 percent of WHO Expect no intensity (value) Pancasila in the curricula. Not only is his theory, rather the pengamalannya, how to implement in daily life, They feel less for it," BPS chief Rusman Heriawan said after reporting the survey results
to the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the presidential office on Tuesday (31 / 5).

Rusman explained, the surveys conducted over three days, namely 27, 28 and 29 May 2011. Respondents surveyed were the resource persons as many as 12 thousand,
to all the people WHO Distributed According to the level of education and work. In 33 provinces with a total of 181 District / Town.

"Of the Various groups, there are Soldiers, members of the council, the political elite, bureaucrats Also Farmers were the resource persons. Anyway evenly, from Aceh to Papua. Generally Same
response, positive, miss (against the implementation of Pancasila), "said Rusman.

Rusman Convey, kekangenan community against Pancasila, possibly These Days Because there are many horizontal tensions
place in society. "They miss cans how the public understand the life of a tolerant, right there in the Pancasila," he said.

He conveyed Also, in the survey were the resource persons Also there is the aspiration That Remains extreme, state indoctrination of Pancasila as the Relics of the past.
"There is an extreme, but it was just one percent," said Rusman.

He said the implementation of Pancasila in the school curriculum, the most Important lesson how to package package Pancasila. Namely emphasize
understanding, not from the theory, like the one in the past, memorize every item. "People Want To how much to
implementation as a human being what to do. Suppose for the unity of the nation, what will of be done, "he said.

Rusman expressed, the complete survey results are presented in the President's speech anniversary of the birth of Pancasila in the Assembly Building, 1
June. President Yudhoyono addressed promptly at 10:00 am in Building Nusantara IV MPR / DPR, Jakarta, Attended by all members of the House of Representatives (DPR) and Regional Representative Council (DPD).

SBY Addition, two previous presidents Also Gave his speech, namely the 3rd RI President BJ Habibie, President Megawati Sukarnoputri to-5. SBY
get a third turn after BJ Habibie, Megawati, SBY is then terminated. In Addition to the three Presidents, installments former Vice President Hamzah Haz like, Try
Sutrisno, and Jusuf Kalla Also Attended the ceremony.

Another Important agenda in the series of speeches warning of Bung Karno, he explained, the Assembly will from Also hold a national workshop invite all the which will from
competent experts together to advise on the formulation of Pancasila.

Through speeches warning of the Bung Karno June 1, 1945, intended for Pancasila not only as a concept of thought alone, but Could changed from the base of ethics and Morals in the development of political institutions, government, e conomics, law enforcement, political, social, cultural , and Various other aspects of life. (IRIB / Media Indonesia vain / AR)
Thursday · ·

Ini penjelasan Wali Negara Acheh - Sumatra, DR Tgk Hasan Muhgammad di Tiro tentang prinsip kemerdeka an sesuai Al Qur-an, sebagai Pedoman Hidup bangsa Islam, Orang Jawa yang dicela wali disini adalah Jawa dalam system despotik Indonesia. Sedangkan orang Islam Jawa diluar system tersebut tidak berbeda dengan orang Islam Acheh dan orang Islam West Papua. Hal ini sesuai firman Allah sendiri, dimana tidak lebih bangsa Arab diatas bangsa Ajam (asing) kecuali disebabkan "Taqwa". Realitanya orang Acheh yang menerima "penipuan" penguasa Indonesia via MoU Helsinki sama despotiknya dengan orang jawa yang bersatupadu dalam system Taghut Despotik Indonesia. Catatan ini diperlukan agar orang Islam Jawa yang baik tidak salah paham. (hsndwsp, Acheh - Sumatra). . . . . . . Ralat: (Yang dimaksudkan Wali Surah an Nisa' ayat 76) Orang-orang yang beriman berperang di jalan Allah, dan orang-orang yang kafir berperang di jalan thaghut, sebab itu perangilah kawan-kawan syaitan itu, karena sesungguhnya tipu daya syaitan itu adalah lemah. (QS. 4:76)

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